When we worked at the City of Ocala, we were told by many that the large drain in Lake Tuscawilla (the duck pond) dumps that run off water directly into OUR Aquifer.  We also saw news reports on TV of deep wells being dug across Florida for dumping waste water further into the earth under the aquifer; some of these wells reaching several thousands of feet deep. 

So it was good to get a request from a concerned citizen that wanted us to request any documents/diagrams about the large drain hole in the middle of Tuscawilla Pond/Lake. Any construction images, plans, schematics, documentation and any approvals that had to be completed for the drain pipe to dump water into the aquifer. We are wanting anything that details where this overflow water goes. We are also wanting any documentation on any deep drilled holes, in excess of several hundred feet in our area that is used for waste water.

If anyone else has any information on this, or any aquifer-damaging information that is related to the City of Ocala or Marion County, please let us know!