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We recommend not sending any information through the City of Ocala's network or email system. We recommend that you stand up a temporary email address and do not use your private or work email address. We will keep your information private, but will comply with local authorities if a situation calls for it. If we have nothing, then we can't give anything. We are not responsible for anything that happens to employees for bringing important information to light. Please make sure any information can not be traced back to you or a fellow employee. This site is for helping the City of Ocala make better decisions as well as to stop waste and fraud, not to "bring down" the City itself. We believe in the City of Ocala, just not it's current and recently past management. Council is our only hope to help the employees and make the City of Ocala a great place to live and work. Make sure to vote for your favorite Council Members when the season calls for it. Voting is important.
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